Saturday 16 June 2012

Dear Kar - kam - Bol - Zyaada - NAAA

Dear Kareena, 

Please let us girls decide on our own whether we are confident with our curves, plumpiness or fattiness  and let our men decide WHAT they find sexy . Please stop being an insecure schizoid and pulling Vidya Balan down because she makes you look like a foolish stick insect. Not every women thinks confidence and success follows  skeletalism whether we are actresses or not.

We do however understand your frustration at Vidya's small budget films making more than the cost of your big - budget flops, I mean that must really hurt. And unlike you she has no Khandaan to brag, brawl and boast about in her interviews. Humble beginnings, struggle, stupendous success with a .... GASP, normal sized Indian body !!!!

And NO, you are not our role model for diet and fitness or body image even though you pay your PR to declare you as such on front page tabloids. We will decide for ourselves if we would rather be curvy, sexy, successful like Vidya doing what we believe in,  or skeletal, insecure and average, working for money and glamour, playing dumb bimbos to macho heroes. 

Yours Truly,

Not thin, not fat, just NORMAL . 

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